Kontrolni organ RACI performs inspections very few other inspection bodies do:
- inspection of automated measuring systems (QAL2 and AST according to SIST EN 14181),
- inspection of portable emission analysers,
- inspection of personal detectors,
- inspection of devices for preparation of gas mixtures.
RACI d.o.o. is accredited by Slovenian Accreditation with accreditation number K-085 in the field of inspection (SIST EN ISO/IEC 17020, type C).
RACI d.o.o. is authorised by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy (Authorisation No. 35435-26/2020-2) to perform calibrations and annual surveillance tests of automated measuring systems for emission of substances into the atmosphere as well as by Croatian Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development (Authorization No. UP/I-351-02/19-08/08) to perform inspection of automated measurement systems for emissions (provjera ispravnosti mjernog sustava za kontinuirano mjerenje emisija onečišćujićih tvari u zrak iz nepokretnih izvora).
Annex to the Accreditation certificate of Kontrolni organ RACI
Accredited services of Kontrolni organ RACI
Management quality policy statement
Inspection of automated measuring systems
Inspection of automated measuring systems is an upgrade of performing emission measurements and includes inspections according to requirements of SIST EN 14181. Inspection of automated measuring systems can include:
- inspection of measurement section,
- functional test of a system,
- calibration of an automated measuring system using parallel measurements with standard reference methods,
- inspection of calibration function validity.
Four levels of quality assurance, as requested by SIST EN 14181, follow a logical sequence to prove that an AMS is fit for purpose, appropriately installed, commissioned, and calibrated, which are followed by the procedures to ensure permanent appropriate operation.
Inspection of portable emission analysers
Portable emission analysers are used for emission and process measurements. Inspection of portable emission analysers includes a simplified functional test of the analyser and analyser adjustment, if requested by the customer. With its performance we ensure quality and traceability of measurements using portable analysers.
Inspection of personal detectors
Personal detectors are an important factor in ensuring health and safety in areas, where harmful (toxic, explosive, and oxidative) gases scan be present. Inspection of personal detectors includes a simplified functional test and alarms' test. This ensures safety of their users.
Inspection of devices for gas mixture preparation
Gas dividers (devices for preparation of gas mixtures) are used or validation of methods and inspection of gas analysers. Inspection of gas dividers includes inspections of linearity and/or inspection of repeatability (determination of conformity with producer specification). With its performance we ensure credibility of validations or analyser inspections.